Friday, January 4, 2013

Lag Ops 2

This game has some serious lag. The only mode that isn't so bogged down with all kinds of crap is Zombie. Unless the much less laggy Barebones mode returns I'll probably continue to reduce my Multiplayer time. Sad.

Thursday, November 29, 2012


What a F*n disappointment. WTF happened to Barebones mode? I can understand eliminating Pure but no Barebones means lag will always be a problem. The only saving grace was that Nuketown was 24x7 but that turned out to be a big farce! At least Zombies is fun but I do have my gripe about that as well. Would have been nice to increase the number of players to 6 or more rather than require 8 player games as two full teams of 4. I dunno about most people but getting 8 friends together ain't an easy task. I thought I'd never say this but I'm actually less excited about playing Black Ops 2 then Modern Warfare 3.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Seems like the community is on hiatus waiting for the next installment of COD. Games ain't cheap so for me it's clear that I'll keep playing until I have BO2 in my hands. Until then I enjoy knifing the crap out of people and annoying them with my RPG. Always funny to hear that little blurb of expletives. . . Kukai+Knife+RPG+SneakyDirtyCampingSpammer=irritating old fart . . Enjoy!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Quick ScopeT

Sure are a lot of snipers these days. Everyone cries foul on them but I could care less. I'll take a good knife to their back or RPG to their face anytime. If they can't stop me from closing the distance... tough!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


With MW3 and BF3 on the horizon I find myself playing much more often and cautiously. The goal is still 15th prestige so I can't afford to screw around. I consider myself to be an average player and find it amusing when idiots message me about camping or using noob weapons or running hax.

I love camping with the RPG if for no other reason than to be a dick. It used to be fun before but everyone does it now and it's become lame. IMO there is only one map that RPG camping works great on but even then it depends on lobby membership and comraderie.

In the last few months I've developed a new strategy for camping and that's with my knife. It works so well that in conjunction with normal knifing the 10,000 kill goal was easily attainable. I should have done this sooner instead of wasting time shooting people.

Noob weapons like the AK74 and RPG are my absolute favorites. Level 12 helps me to obtain level 17 and then I'm all set - AK74+RPG+Knife+Nade+Nova Gas. I don't care what your setup is or how you killed me so mind your own business.

Quake 1 was the first online game that I played and that was also my first experience with hax rhetoric. First time playing on an Artifact Rune Quake server I was called a bot. I remember it was E1M7 and I ran around the place like a madman out for blood. Obviously I took it as a compliment since it sounded like I must be good. :)

From then on I hadn't solicited any hax remarks until Quake 3 Excessive. If servers didn't run PunkBuster hax was prevalent and admins stupidly allowed it. If you were half way decent and beat someone who feigned deity status you had to be running hax. You were 10x more likely to be called hax offline than in an actual game since the community turned into forum warriors.

Since then XBL has generated its own share of grief, especially in BlackOps. Again it's the same bullshit if you beat someone who thinks the own. Give me a break! Why don't you learn to play. Better yet, understand the significance of lag on the game so you can tell the difference.

One of the worse ones I've ever had was from a fool suggesting I was using a boosting mod. WTF?!? Does something like that even exist and furthermore don't you need two or more people to boost?


Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Console gaming seems to have a lot more whiners than PC. I admit that I complain a lot about lag but rarely if at all do I openly bitch about how bad my team is. Everyone is as good as they are on a particular map on a given day. So many variables can turn your owning into you getting owned.

In the few years I've been on XBL I've noticed most of the idiots are from the US and UK. Sometimes I feel the entire lobby gets punch drunk from the excess whine. Take a look at your self before you complain about someone else. Not everyone is into having competitive fun and I think most just want to have a good time.

Chill or beat it!

10K Knife Kills

Finally completed one of two goals before I put CODBO away. Got my 10,000th knife kill and waiting on 15th level prestige. Gonna be a tough one since we only play Pure but what the heck. Wish knifing had K/D ratios as well.